Music at the Dorset Church
Often the job of Music Director is seen as Choir Director, but it is really more than that. It is my hope that everyone participates in the music of the church, whether just listening and following along with the words, or singing, loudly or softly, on key or off! My good friends in the choir know that our job is to encourage that participation, and hopefully leave you with a message that stays in your heart long after leaving the building. My goal is to showcase a variety of musical styles that speak the message of the Church and, in turn touch each of our hearts in different ways. As the song goes: “All God’s Critters have a place in the choir”
~Tom Salmon
View from the bench
As I sit here in the sanctuary, looking out at your smiling faces (photographs mounted on sticks, in your usual seats) I am reminded daily of how blessed we all are to have a community of friends in faith. We are all finding new ways to communicate that friendship and caring towards each other, and suddenly we are reaching out beyond the walls of the church and connecting with friends and family all over the world. My parents in Pennsylvania now regularly worship with us on Sundays and sing with us at our Thursday night hymn sings. I hope that you are enjoying these resources and the short videos that I have been making from inside the church. They are therapy for me, as well. Your comments and appreciation keep me feeling connected. As a church musician, I am accustomed to finishing a piece to silence, rather than applause and I look forward to feedback that sometimes comes long after the performance. Although isolation can be tough, I thank God for good health and the opportunity to dig deeper into the musical wellspring and reach out in new and exciting ways. I am continuing to plan for the time when we will feel safe to worship as a group again, but I am glad for this ability to keep in touch through technology.
Facebook Hymn Sings
Hymn Sing Thursday April 29th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert April 26th, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday April 22nd, 2021
Monday Mini Concert April 19th, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday April 15th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert April 12th, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday April 8th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert April 5th, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday April 1st, 2021
Monday Mini Concert March 29th, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday March 25th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert March 21st, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday March 18th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert March 15th, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday March 11th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert March 8th, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday March 4th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert March 1st, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday February 25th, 2021
Program for February 25th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert February 22, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday February 18th, 2021
Program for February 18th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert: Scott Joplin, February 15, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday February 11th, 2021
Program for February 11th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert: Romantic Composers, February 8, 2021
Hymn Sing Thursday February 4th, 2021
Program for February 4th, 2021
Monday Mini Concert, February 1, 2021
Music for Kids
You're In Trouble
Lean On Me: A Boomwhacker Tribute to Bill Withers
All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir
Selections on the Piano
Be Thou My Vision arranged by David Hamilton​
Waltz in E flat by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Our House
Irish Blessing By Bob Chilcott
Maple Leaf Rag
Don't get around much anymore
His Eye Is on the Sparrow
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
See Tom's salsa version of “Wonderful Words of Life” by Phillip Bliss, David Hamilton, arr.
She's like the swallow- Nancy Telfer
Sonata in G major by Franz Josef Haydn on the piano
Selections on the Organ
Vater unser im Himmelreich
Sonata in G major by Franz Josef Haydn on the organ